Tutor Master helps you with Comprehension
Practice Standard Introductory
Set One
Introductory Set One provides multiple choice comprehension exercises for younger students. Suitable for children aged 8 – 11 years, this book will help children become familiar with the format and techniques of standard comprehension questions and develop the skills needed to tackle them.
Brilliant! Engaging, well-structured practice to help those preparing for exams, as well as for those who simply wish to enhance their reading skills

Tutor Master Helps You with
Comprehension Practice - Standard Introductory
Set Two
Introductory Set Two provides younger students with the opportunity to practise more standard comprehension exercises. Engaging and age appropriate reading passages, plus fair and unambiguous questions, make this book the ideal introductory book to get students started.
We found the tips for preparing for comprehensions and compositions very useful and practical plus the information on who the book is for; clear, concise and helpful in our exam preparation.

Tutor Master helps you with Comprehension
Practice Multiple Choice Introductory
Set One
Introductory Set One provides multiple choice comprehension exercises for younger students. Suitable for children aged 8 – 11 years, this book will help children become familiar with the format and techniques of multiple choice comprehension questions and develop the skills needed to tackle them.
The comprehensions are based on well known stories which was a great way to introduce my daughter to comprehensions. The book is well laid out with a variety of question styles which are clear and unambiguous. A great confidence booster for my daughter.

Tutor Master helps you with Comprehension
Practice Multiple Choice Introductory
Set Two
Introductory Set Two provides younger students with the opportunity to practise more multiple choice comprehension exercises. Engaging and age appropriate reading passages, plus fair and unambiguous questions, make this book the ideal introductory book to get students started.
Highly recommend this book. Very well designed, clearly laid out and fantastic practice for entrance exams, eleven plus and general English improvement. If there's one book you buy, it needs to be this one!

Tutor Master helps you helps you Write Stories
Book One
Tutor Master helps you Write Stories Book One and Tutor Master helps you Write Stories Book Two were trialled extensively with students before being published. Both students and parents have been delighted at the self-confidence developed by young writers as they use the story plans to steadily improve their story writing skills.
This book is a great tool to encourage children to write stories with confidence. It gives them enough information to set them on the way without doing it for them. In addition it covers skills needed for writing prose as they go.
David – Parent

Tutor Master helps you helps you Write Stories
Book Two
Tutor Master helps you Write Stories Book One and Tutor Master helps you Write Stories Book Two were trialled extensively with students before being published. Both students and parents have been delighted at the self-confidence developed by young writers as they use the story plans to steadily improve their story writing skills.
Your books are perfect for my needs. They will be a huge help as I'm teaching Year 7 creative writing - not easy!
Alice Band
English Teacher & Western
Morning News Columnist

Tutor Master helps you Learn English
A Literacy Dictionary
Written to improve understanding of words to do with the English language and literacy for students aged 9 years and older. Aiming to promote personalised learning, this book is easy to use, helpful and student friendly and supports teaching and learning for students of primary age upwards.
This is a great little book which explains the meaning of all those funny little words you were never taught in English at school (or at least if you went to my school you weren't), but your kids now are. Well worth keeping a copy on the bookshelf.
Mark Parsons

Tutor Master helps you with Comprehension Practice
Multiple Choice Set One
Because some schools test comprehension skills by using multiple choice type questions, David Malindine wrote Tutor Master helps you with Comprehension Practice – Multiple Choice Set One.
Another fabulous book I used to work towards my 11+ exams and I'm still applying what I have learnt from it for all my English comprehensions. I recommend this book from year 4 onwards as it made me grasp the foundations of comprehension very well.

Tutor Master helps you with Comprehension Practice
Standard Set One
This book contains important practical advice on the best ways to prepare for standard comprehension tests and how to write effective purposeful answers. It also provides tips and advice for writing compositions/essays, which are writing tasks that cover aspects of creative writing such as stories, reports and letters.
The Tutor Master's 30+ years of teaching and tutoring are really evident in these papers that are designed to allow average students to gain some marks and the brightest to score more; as they would do in real 11+ exams.
I wrote this series of books because, as a former experienced teacher of 19 years, I found that there was a gap in the general skills needed for school children to pass certain exams...